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order item
Your job reference:
Versions:Fair pricing has been applied to ensure that the cost of this order with multiple versions does not exceed the cost of placing the orders separately.


Please contact us if you would like to order this quantity.


This product needs artwork You've uploaded

Basket total:

{{basket.totalCostTax | currency : '£' }}
{{basket.totalCostIncTax | currency : '£' }}

You haven't placed any items in your basket.

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Upload artwork

or drag and drop here to upload

Uploading your file. Please do not close this tab.


Please ensure you have uploaded all {{uploader().basketItem.artworkVersions}} versions of your artwork. Versions can be in the same or separate files.

Upload artwork

This product is printed with your own artwork. You will need to provide artwork before you check out, so that we can process your order.